Fafryndia and confiscated



Sometimes the teacher does not even know what they are asking about. At school, students should be taught only what they cannot learn anywhere else. Not even in the field. Science ч.1, 1913....


Lemko magazine supplement which, there is no knowing why, was named “Satire, humour, fun,” explains the meaning of placebo effect. No matter what medicines the doctor prescribes, headache either will subside, or...

Public wire

SCIENCE - a spiritual and educational magazine for the Hungarian-Rusyn nation. A wire - Ungvar, ч.8, August 1913. Following the rule of journalistic objectivism, to the confiscated complaints editorial board on the recent...

Rhetoric class

Rhetoric class

Misiacoslov (Місяцьослов) for 1915 decided to give a rhetoric class. The lecture could be prolonged on numerous examples. But what for? Let them know that the Carpatho-Rusyn nation had also their philosophers...

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