Hovoryt? Why not ‘hvaryt’? And maybe ‘besiduye’ – ‘radyt’ ? Have you ever wondered why they use ‘hovoryty’ in Presov? No? – Good, we neither. The beauty of our language reflects in many fields. We can start with ‘bandurky’ and ‘komperyky’ and finish with ‘besiduvaty,” “gadaty” or “hvaryty.” But this is not all. Those from Presov not only discuss what is precious for their culture, they also do not forget about the other parts of the Carpathian Rus’. They often like to recall Lemkovyna or Subcarpathian Rus’. And this is also wealth. Of all Rusyns.
Going further, we would need to refer to what is Lemko. But befor we switch to this, let us refer to what will be Presovian in today’s premiere edition of the educational, cultural programme “Presov on the line” (for some it maay be also “Presov besiduye”). Not only the western, globalized world has its celebrities, but also we do. We will present priest Vasyl Bobak – an Orthodox priest from Smolnik village who knew how to unite people, as the Orthodox church in the village was built by Orthodox, together with Catholic and Evangelic believers.
When it comes to Lemkovyna, I think the time has come that we begin to recollect broader the Lemko ordeal – the 70th anniversary of the infamous operation of Lemko exile. And although the main celebrations of the anniversary are planned for the end of April 2017, the Rusyn.fm litrature – Ihor Latta is already now reading an extract from a text of the Maester of Lemkovyna Jarosław Trochanowski entitled “The Vistula Operation.” It is worth reading the entire text.

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