In the first half of November, Rusyn organizations in Presov and Kosice are organizing three interesting events. History lovers will come to Presov and football lovers – to Kosice.
The Cultural and Educational Association of Alexander Duchnovic in Presov is organizing a scientific seminary on 8th November 2016, it will be dedicated to the person of Antonij Beskid (1855 – 1933), a Rusyn political activist, the second governor of the Subcarpathian Rus’ at the time of the I Czechoslovak Republic. The seminary starts at 3PM in the Slovak National Museum – Museum of Rusyn Culture, Masarikova street 20, Presov.
On the same day, the Cultural and Educational Association of Alexander Duchnovic in Presov, will realize their programme from 4PM, with a seminary entitled Русиньске школство за 1-ой Чехословацькой републікы до українізації (Rusyn education at the time of the I Czechoslovak Republic, until ukrainization).
The local organization of Rusyn Obroda in Slovakia, Kosice, has prepared a cultural event for 13 November 2016. On that very day, a folk ensemble Barvinok from Kamienka will come to Kosice. The group will perform with a repertoire entitled: Iз русиньского сердця (Потішме ся з Барвінком) / From the Rusyn heart (Let us have some fun with Barvinok). The event will take place in the Cultural-social centre Yuzhan, Smetanova street 4, Kosice. It starts at 4PM.
The entrance is free. You are welcome to join the events.