There is not much left. Both to collect amount that the author needs and also when it comes to the time when the online crowdfunding action is planned to help publish the recent novel of Monika Lis “The end of the world.” This, recently popular form of collecting funds for projects, in this case ends on 9 April 2017. Thus, do no wait!
„The end of the world” (in Polish: Koniec świata) is a novel for young people that takes place mostly within the Bieszczady region. You can find there not only fascination with the beauty of nature of that part of the Carpathians, but also some historical information, the author says she could not ommit also the damned Vistula Operation. The novel starts with arrival of Melania who is going for a musical festival where she participates in a competition. The second award is given to a girl singing poems by Petro Murianka…
Here, everybody can help. The author, Monika Lis, a passionate of the Carpathians, saying about herself she suffers from an incurable illness – Lemkolepija, invites everyone willing to support publishing of her book, but she offers a lot of packages in return with which she will thank for your help. On the crowdfunding website (click on the link and you will be redirected to the portal) you can choose the amount to support the initiative, you will get a map, a book with the autograph or many other smaller and bigger stylish handmade gadgets (some of them you can see on and for the most generous sponsors there will be many other attractive awards. On the day of writing this article, to the minimum which can activate the project there is only… several hundred zlotys left, although also a bigger amount would support financially further costs – the correction, taxes etc.
Monika Lis is a young author who quite reecently got to know about her Lemko roots. She got to know by accident – after she got off mountain routes, then she started to sing in the Club deMoll ensemble, then during Christmas Eve, as she was telling her family about fascination with Lemko culture, her grandfather started to shyly speak about his Lemko roots. This discovery initiated Monika’s impuls to further actions. She involved even more in creative works which will soon be visible as the CD entitled “Dances of the souls” be released that is the effect of the award granted to Monika and Petro Murianka (in the master-student project) – Ars Quaerendi Lesser Poland Voivodeship Awards.
Go to, transfer some kreutzers to support publishing of “The end of the world” that already now has positive reviews. Fragments of the book available on the author’s website and below is the promotional song by Monika Lis and her invitation for participation in the crowdfunding aaction supporting the novel.